- Whatsapp application
- Your phone file manager
- Locate the video that u want to reduce it size, in your phone file manager.
- Make sure your data is off.
- Select it then share it to any of your whatsapp contact or whatsapp group.
- After that you will get a whatsapp notification showing "Sending video to the whatsapp contact or whatsapp group you have selected to share with"
- Enter your whatsapp and tap on the person or group you are sending the video to.
- By then you will see the video that you are sending is uploading.
- Wait for it till it reach half of the circular progress indicator.
- As soon as it reaches there, it will show you "retry"
- Get back to your file manager and locate the whatsapp folder in your internal storage(phone storage) not SD card. And open the whatsapp folder.
- Then open media folder
- Then open whatsapp video folder
- Then open sent folder
- Inside the sent folder, you will see all the videos you shared on whatsapp. For you to see the video that you just shared( that is the video you want to reduce it size)
- Try to sort the videos by time (new-old)
- When you see the video you will find out that it size has been reduced to 30% of it original size without loosing it quality and resolution.
- Just copy the video out of the "whatsapp folder" to any folder you want.
- That's all
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